
Dr. van Zaalen

Dr. Yvonne van Zaalen is a researcher, clinician and in-demand speaker, whose ideas about the nature of cluttering, its differential diagnosis and treatment have made her one of the world’s leading experts in fluency disorders.

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About the book

Drs. Van Zaalen and Reichel, internationally renowned experts about cluttering, have drawn on their extensive experience in working with people who clutter to prepare a comprehensive guide that covers everything a clinician needs to know about cluttering, from theory to diagnosis to treatment and beyond.
The book is recently translated to Japanese.

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Dr. Reichel

Dr. Isabella Reichel is professor at the Graduate Program in Speech and Language Pathology, Touro College, New York, USA. She is a Board-certified specialist in Fluency Disorders who has specialized in the treatment of stuttering and cluttering for over 35 years

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Cluttering was long considered the orphan or stepchild in the field of speech-language pathology (Weiss, 1964, 1968). The Swiss physician, David Bazin, may have been among the first in modern times to describe cluttering in 1717 (Luchsinger, 1963). However, it was not until the publications of the Austrian-born physician, Deso Weiss (1964), that cluttering began to gain widespread recognition. Cluttering did not fit into any other defined area until then and remained not widely understood until the end of the twentieth century. Beginning at that time, a variety of symptoms that were difficult to categorize began to be increasingly attributed to cluttering. There was no clear universally accepted understanding of the nature of cluttering. Since some literature about cluttering has been published in North America in the last two decades, the disorder has become more widely recognized. With this website, we will attempt to clarify the disorder of cluttering, in light of recent scientific research (evidence-based practice) and clinical reports (practical-based evidence).

The book includes personalized explanations that help readers truly understand the complicated disorder known as cluttering, along with numerous therapy activities and exercises that can be directly incorporated into treatment for people who clutter.

In addition, in this book we will discuss cluttering diagnosis and practical step-by-step approaches to its treatment.

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